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There Is No Such Thing as a Mild Concussion

Concussions are a common type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), typically the result of a fall or blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. Their prevalence has been well-documented as far as violent contact sports such as football and hockey are concerned. Specifically, the NFL has employed an entire concussion protocol to combat the long-term effects of these frequent but potentially life-altering TBIs. Aside from playing contact sports, concussions are a very common injury sustained by victims of automobile accidents, and in many cases a formal diagnosis is never made because victims ignore the symptoms. Below are some tips and useful information related to concussions. If you think you might be suffering from any of these symptoms, go to an emergency room or your primary healthcare provider immediately.

Concussion Symptoms

Most people make a quick and full recovery from a concussion. Nevertheless, it is very important to make sure they are diagnosed, as you become more susceptible to recurrence of this injury, which makes it very important to have an accurately documented concussion history. Typical symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Fuzzy and/or blurred vision
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and/or noise
  • Feeling tired and/or lethargic
  • Difficulty concentrating and/or thinking clearly
  • Irritability and/or sadness
  • Trouble falling asleep or sleeping more than usual

Some of these symptoms may be clearly evident right away, while others lay dormant immediately following an accident, appearing days later after the injured party resumes his/her daily activities.

All Concussions are Serious – and Should Be Treated as Such

If you think that you’ve sustained a concussion, it is imperative that you seek medical treatment either at your local emergency room or your primary care physician. In extreme cases, or where someone has experienced prior concussions, medical providers may refer you to a neurologist. While most concussions are easily treated, with symptoms subsiding within a few days to a week, it is a brain injury. One of the biggest misconceptions with concussions is the notion that they have varying degrees of significance. However, there is no such thing as a mild concussion. A concussion is a concussion and must be taken seriously regardless of the number of symptoms present. Obviously, a concussion resulting in unconsciousness is going to be treated as an extreme emergency, and likely result in overnight observation at a hospital. But the point is that all concussions should be taken very seriously with full medical clearance from a medical professional before returning to your normal daily activities. It is a brain injury, every single time!

Take Care of Yourself Following a Concussion

While most people make a full recovery from a concussion, how quickly they recover depends on a wide range of factors. These factors include severity of the brain trauma, their age, pre-existing medical conditions, and how the injured party takes care of him/herself during the recovery phase. Rest is the most important thing you can do after sustaining a concussion. Do not ignore symptoms and try to gut it out.” Get regular sleep, avoid physically demanding activities, and do not consume drugs or alcohol (other than prescription medications cleared by your doctor). When a medical professional clears you to return to your daily activities, don’t dive headfirst back into your routine life all at once. Take it easy a little longer and gradually get back to normalcy. Remember, concussions are traumatic brain injuries…treat them like one.

Contact Schwartzapfel® Lawyers, P.C.

If you have sustained a concussion due to the negligence of another – whether in a car accident, slip and fall, or other accident – contact the attorneys at Schwartzapfel® Lawyers P.C. for the answers to your legal questions and concerns. With over 150 years of experience, we have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate your case and, if you have a claim, help you receive the money and benefits you deserve. Contact us today by calling 1-516-342-2200 or by filling out our online contact form.

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