The psychological health of employees is as important to prioritize as their physical well-being. Surprisingly, this realization is new. So, what is psychological health in the workplace?

It’s essentially the mental well-being of employees or, more specifically, the quality of it. Of course, businesses across the country have safeguards in place to protect workers from bodily harm. It’s easy to assume the same was always true for mental harm, but that’s not the case at all.

Since we’re only recently finding measures to gauge and address this side of employee health, there’s much more to learn. For now, we know that one of the most important mental health issues that can arise is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It stands out for its profound impact on individuals’ work lives, and it’s our topic of discussion here today.

To learn more now, call Schwartzapfel Lawyers at 516-342-2200 for a free consultation and so much more. Alternatively, please continue reading.

A Closer Look At PTSD

PTSD isn’t just a soldier’s battle anymore; it’s something that’s showing up in cubicles, on construction sites, and in boardrooms.

Dealing with PTSD from work is not just about trying to push through those tough moments; it’s about grappling with how they conflict with your day-to-day work life.

Imagine trying to focus on a task when your mind keeps replaying a distressing memory or trying to chat with a colleague when you’re on edge. It’s tough. These struggles don’t just put a dent in your workday; they can send ripples through the office, affecting the productivity and morale of the entire team.

At Schwartzapfel Lawyers, we recognize the importance of addressing PTSD, not just as a personal health issue but as a critical workplace concern. Managing PTSD effectively is beneficial for the individual employee and for the overall health of an organization.

If you’re grappling with PTSD-related challenges at work, remember, you’re not alone. For personalized guidance on managing PTSD related to work, call Schwartzapfel Lawyers at 516-342-2200 today. Don’t wait — act now!

PTSD In The Workplace

PTSD is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. It’s true that up until recently, PTSD was primarily associated with military combat. However, PTSD can arise from a variety of traumatic experiences, such as:

  • Severe accidents
  • Natural disasters
  • Personal assaults
  • Witnessing life-threatening events

The key factor is the exposure to a traumatic event, leaving a lasting psychological impact on the individual. In the workplace, PTSD can stem from job-related incidents, particularly in high-risk professions like construction, law enforcement, and healthcare.

However, it’s important to note that PTSD is not limited to these fields. It can also occur in seemingly safer work environments through indirect exposures, such as employees witnessing or learning about traumatic incidents involving their colleagues.

The Result Of PTSD On Work Performance

The implications of PTSD in a professional setting are multifaceted. One of the most noticeable effects is on an individual’s memory. PTSD can lead to difficulties in recalling important information, following instructions, or maintaining focus on tasks. This memory impairment can significantly hinder job performance and productivity.

Concentration is another area greatly affected by PTSD. Individuals may find it challenging to focus on work, often getting easily distracted or overwhelmed by their symptoms. This can lead to a decrease in work quality and an increase in errors.

Personal interactions at work can also suffer. Those experiencing PTSD might find it harder to engage with colleagues, leading to isolation or misunderstandings. This can affect team dynamics and overall workplace harmony.

Lastly, heightened anxiety is a common symptom of PTSD. This can manifest as an exaggerated startle response, constant edginess, or difficulty in coping with stress, further complicating an individual’s ability to perform effectively in a work environment.

Understanding these impacts is vital for both employers and colleagues, as it fosters a more supportive and accommodating work environment, which is essential for the well-being and productivity of all employees.

Struggling with PTSD and its impact on your work life? Reach out to Schwartzapfel Lawyers at 516-342-2200 for a free consultation and/or case evaluation. No matter your situation, our seasoned, compassionate team is committed to helping you through these challenges.

What Strategies Can Help You Cope With PTSD At Work?

It’s important to know that you’re not alone if you’re dealing with PTSD at work. Here are five (5) straightforward strategies to help you keep your cool and stay sharp on the job.

1. Grounding Yourself: Staying Anchored In The Present

The workplace can often trigger PTSD symptoms, making it challenging to stay focused. Grounding techniques can be incredibly effective in such situations. They involve using your senses to anchor yourself in the present moment.

This can be as simple as touching a familiar object, focusing on your breathing, or even gently shaking your body. These actions can help divert your mind from traumatic memories or flashbacks, allowing you to regain control and focus on the task at hand.

2. Using Headphones Or Earplugs: Creating A Calm Workspace

For individuals with PTSD, a noisy and chaotic work environment can exacerbate anxiety and trigger flashbacks. Using headphones or earplugs can be a simple yet effective way to create a more controlled and calming workspace.

By blocking out external noise, you can minimize distractions and potential triggers, allowing for better concentration and reduced stress levels. Whether it’s listening to soothing music, white noise, or simply enjoying the quiet, this method can be a game-changer in managing PTSD symptoms at work.

3. Activating Your Vagus Nerve: Calming The Fight-Or-Flight Response

The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in controlling the body’s relaxation response. Activating this nerve can help calm the fight-or-flight response often triggered by PTSD. What’s nice is that the activities for this are incredibly simple and can include:

  • Chewing gum
  • Humming a tune
  • Stretching
  • Practicing deep breathing exercises

Each of these can stimulate the vagus nerve, providing a sense of calm and helping refocus your mind on the present, reducing the intensity of PTSD symptoms during the workday.

4. Escaping During Lunch Or Breaks: Utilizing Time For Recovery

Taking regular breaks is essential for everyone, but it’s especially crucial for those coping with PTSD. Utilizing lunch breaks or short intervals to step away from your work environment can significantly aid in managing symptoms.

Activities like a brief walk, stretching, or simply finding a quiet spot to relax can help lower stress levels, decrease blood pressure, and boost the production of endorphins. These breaks provide much-needed mental and physical respite, allowing you to return to your tasks more focused and less burdened by PTSD symptoms.

5. Leaving Work At Work: Separating Your Professional And Personal Lives

A key strategy in coping with PTSD is to create a clear distinction between work life and personal life. This means, to the extent possible, leaving work-related thoughts and stresses at the office.

After work hours, engage in activities that are unrelated to your job or focus on personal interests and relaxation. If work at home is unavoidable, try setting specific time limits for work and adhere to them strictly. This separation helps in reducing the mental load of work-related stress, thereby assisting in better management of PTSD symptoms.

Coping with PTSD at work can be challenging, but you’re not alone in this journey. For further assistance and legal advice on managing PTSD from work, reach out to Schwartzapfel Lawyers at 516-342-2200 now. No matter your situation, our team of skilled attorneys is here to fight for you.

The Role Of Therapy In Managing PTSD

So far, we’ve examined things you can do while you’re at work. But what if your PTSD symptoms bleed over into your personal life? That’s where therapy can prove useful. Seeking therapy isn’t just about dealing with the symptoms; it’s a journey toward understanding and healing the root causes of your distress.

Professional therapists can provide personalized strategies and tools that go beyond what is possible to manage on your own — and that part of the equation is key. Therapists help you manage the complex emotions and reactions associated with PTSD, ensuring that you’re not just surviving but thriving in your work and personal life.

Seeking professional help is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed by. In fact, it shows that you’re brave for acknowledging the need for support and taking proactive steps toward self-improvement and healing.

Take Charge Of PTSD In Your Professional Life

It’s clear that managing PTSD in the workplace is not just about coping with symptoms; it’s about actively engaging in strategies that improve your quality of life at work.

From grounding techniques and creating a tranquil workspace to embracing therapy, each step you take is a move toward regaining control and finding a sense of normalcy in your professional environment. Remember, addressing PTSD is crucial not only for your personal health but also for maintaining a productive and harmonious work atmosphere.

You don’t have to let PTSD dictate your work life — you have the power to make a change, and we’re here to help. Reach out to Schwartzapfel Lawyers at 516-342-2200 today for compassionate and qualified help. Together, we can conquer the challenges of PTSD, all while maintaining your rights and ensuring that your journey to recovery is supported every step of the way.

Don’t risk leaving your future to chance. Get the help you need from the team that will fight for you. Act now, call today!

DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this page should be considered legal advice. You should seek the appropriate counsel your situation requires. For more information, call 1-516-342-2200 now!


Schwartzapfel Lawyers, P.C. | Fighting For You

How Common is PTSD in Veterans? | National Center for PTSD

PTSD among Police Officers: Impact on Critical Decision Making | Department of Justice

What Is White Noise? | Sleep Foundation

Treatments for PTSD | American Psychological Association

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