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safe workplace

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) was created by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. As part of the Department of Labor, OSHA’s main goal is to reduce workplace hazards and create safer work environments for employees in all types of job positions, and working in all types of industries. OSHA’s strict safety standards and regulations apply to everything from medical laboratories to construction to industrial and even office work. As an employee, it is important that you know your rights and how OSHA helps protect those rights. Naturally, if you are injured at work, you will want to turn to a workplace accident attorney. Your attorney may be able to prove that your employer violated OSHA regulations – and therefore, they are liable for your injuries and damages.

What Are My Rights Under OSHA?

OSHA gives you, an employee, rights and responsibilities that include:

  • The right to review copies of rules, standards, regulations, and requirements for your workplace.
  • Access to exposure and employee medical records – when applicable.
  • Requests that your OSHA area director inspect your workplace if you feel that there are workplace hazards or direct violations present.
  • Receive copies of any tests done to see if there were hazards found in your workplace.
  • Have your name withheld from your employer upon request if you have submitted a complaint.
  • Be allowed to review records of workplace illnesses and injuries.
  • Be free of the risk of any discriminatory or retaliatory actions taken by your employer due to your filing a complaint.

In addition to rights, your employer also has strict obligations under OSHA, which include:

  • Providing you with a workplace free from hazards.
  • Making sure that you and other employees have all of the safety equipment necessary to perform your job duties.
  • Informing employees of any OSHA safety or health standards that apply to their job.
  • Displaying all important and pertinent information regarding your rights and responsibilities under OSHA.
  • Establishing a comprehensive hazard communication program.
  • Providing you with ample training and information about how to perform your job safely.
  • Informing you of the existence, location, and availability of your medical exposure records.
  • Providing you with material safety data sheets (if applicable in your field).

What If You Suspect an OSHA Violation at Work?

If you have been injured as a result of an OSHA violation, there are a number of things that you can do, including:

  1. Seek medical attention right away for your injuries. This will help preserve your accident claim, and ensure that your employer cannot attempt to discount your injuries later on.
  2. Report the injury to your employer or manager, and note anyone with whom you have discussed the injury.
  3. Getting the names and contact information of any employees or third parties who may have witnessed your injury.
  4. Speaking with an attorney regarding your workplace accident.

If you have been injured on the job – regardless of the injury – you need to contact a workplace accident attorney to evaluate your potential claim. Discussing your case with an experienced attorney can help you explore your options for compensation, but also help identify any potential violations of OSHA standards from your employer.
The team at Schwartzapfel® Lawyers P.C. can assist you with your work-related injury. Schedule a consultation with us today, for free, and let us help you explore your options. Get started now by calling 1-516-342-2200, or fill out our online contact form with your questions.

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