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Uninsured Motorist Claim Benefits

New York law requires that uninsured motorist coverage be included in motor vehicle insurance policies. Every motor vehicle registered in the state must carry personal injury liability insurance with coverage amounts of at least $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. Similarly, every auto policy in New York has uninsured motorist coverage with the same limits.

What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage

UM coverage is the least expensive coverage you can buy – often as little as $1.00 a week – can buy $100,000 worth of UM coverage. Protect yourself and your family. Increase your UM coverage today. If you are uncertain about your policy limits or have questions about UM coverage, call us now.

This coverage protects motorists and their passengers from other drivers who drive illegally without insurance. In fact, one of every 20 motorists on the road in New York is uninsured, the Insurance Research Council estimates.

A Struggling Economy Leads to More Uninsured Drivers

The weak economy affects the number of uninsured motorists. A one percentage point increase in unemployment translates into an increase of three-quarters of a percentage point in the rate of uninsured motorists, according to the Insurance Research Council. Therefore, during an economically difficult time, such as the one we’re currently experiencing, the number of uninsured motorists is higher than normal.

Insurance Companies Are not on Your Side

The law is on your side if the uninsured driver was at fault in the accident. However, collecting uninsured motorist benefits may not be simple. Your insurance company may try to deny your claim or offer a settlement that is far less than what you deserve for your injuries.

Do not speak with the insurance company until you speak with an attorney. Talk with one of our lawyers who has experience handling New York uninsured motorist claims. The insurance companies have lawyers representing them, and it is important that you have a lawyer representing you. We will keep in close contact with you as we work through your case. Our skilled lawyers and dedicated support staff keep in constant communication with our clients, typically returning all phone calls within 24 hours or less.

Contact Schwartzapfel® Lawyers P.C.

The offices of Schwartzapfel® Partners are located throughout New York City. If you have been injured in a car accident, or someone you love has been injured or killed in one, call Schwartzapfel® Lawyers P.C. at 1-516-342-2200 or fill out our online contact form today. We will fight for you!

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