How to Handle Birth Injuries

Top cerebral palsy attorney in New York, Steven Schwartzapfel®, offers advice on how to handle birth injuries.


Video Transcript


My name is Steve Schwartzapfel®. I represent people that have been injured. When somebody else broke the rules, I seek to go ahead and hold that person accountable.


The birth of a baby should be the most exhilarating moment of one’s life. Unfortunately, at times, complications occur during labor and delivery that result in unexpected and tragic injuries. One of these injuries is cerebral palsy; it’s brain damage. Our investigation has shown that this is often the result of a failure to perform a timely and proper C-section.


What occurs in cerebral palsy is that the fetus is in distress. The doctor has an obligation and a duty to monitor the baby’s heartbeat. This is done through frequent vaginal examinations and fetal monitoring. Once the labor is allowed to progress, and the doctor sees, knows or should have known that the fetus was in distress, the doctor is obligated to take certain steps to prevent this injury. And that involves performing a timely C-section. It’s sad, but our investigations show that these injuries are preventable.


Please call us. Let us help you. Let our team of experienced medical malpractice attorneys and experts review the records. Let’s see whether or not your baby received the care that they were entitled to or if this was a result to a doctor failing to provide your baby with a standard of care that is required of them.


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