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What To Do If You’re Injured At A Subway Construction Site In NYC

Working on construction is hazardous, and New York City’s subway construction sites present unique risks. In 2023, the city experienced(692) construction accidents, seven (7) of which were fatal. These types of accidents often involve slips, trips, and falls from any heights, and workers need to know what to do if they sustain injuries.

Have you or a loved one been involved in a subway accident? Then, it’s time to call us now at 516-342-2200 or schedule your online consultation today. Don’t delay, act now! Alternatively, please continue reading.

What Should You Do After An Injury At A Subway Construction Site?

While an injury at a subway construction site can be frightening, knowing the appropriate steps to take can help protect your rights and ensure your well-being. To guide you through this process, here are some essential actions to follow:

1. Get To A Safe Place

Move away from any possible risks to prevent more damage. Your safety should come first. You don’t know what other potential risks remain present, and getting out of the way increases your chances of no further injury.

2. Get Quick Medical Attention

See a doctor straight away, even if your injuries appear minor. A doctor can evaluate your situation and offer the required treatment. Any claims you might need to make depend on a record of your injuries, and prompt medical care creates that record.

3. Document The Scene

Videos and pictures provide proof of your injuries and the circumstances surrounding them. Later on, this proof can be important in supporting your argument.

Call the experienced New York subway accident attorneys at Schwartzapfel Lawyers if you’ve been involved in a subway construction site accident. Call us now at 516-342-2200 and allow us the honor and privilege of fighting — and winning! — for you.

How Can You Report Your Injury?

A key first step is to tell your company about your injury as soon as possible. You often need to make a formal accident report explaining the specifics of your injuries and the events surrounding them to file for workers’ compensation.

Making an official accident report is not just a formality but also a required action to guarantee the preservation of your rights. Moreover, this documentation is a crucial record that can help your workers’ compensation claim as well as any other legal action you might be required to file.

Workers’ compensation claims must be reported strictly (30) days ahead in New York. Failing to document your injuries within this period can compromise your eligibility for benefits.

Your Rights And Workers’ Compensation Benefits

It’s important to know your rights and the benefits you’re entitled to under workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation pays medical bills, partial wage replacement, and other required support.

Benefits for workers’ compensation cover injuries sustained on the job or while engaged in job-related tasks. This covers tasks connected to your employment that could fall outside of usual business hours.

For example, you can qualify for workers’ compensation if you were hurt while working on a job-related project at home or gathering materials for your team.

What Are The Benefits Of No-Fault Insurance?

One of the main features of workers’ compensation is that it is a no-fault system. This lack of fault implies that benefits are not dependent on proving negligence or blame. Making sure you have the medical treatment and financial assistance required for recovery takes center stage.

Before calling your insurance provider, you should speak with a skilled attorney. With their help, you can better understand your rights and the best course of action to follow, helping you get the full benefits you’re entitled to.

Call Schwartzapfel Lawyers at 516-342-2200 for assistance with your workers’ comp claim. Remember, your time to collect all your money and benefits is limited, so don’t delay!

How Do You File A Workers’ Comp Claim?

Claiming workers’ compensation calls for numerous crucial actions. The following information gives insight into how to manage the process:

1. Get Form C-3

Get Form C-3 straight from the New York Workers’ Compensation Board. Filing your claim and beginning the procedure for receiving benefits depend on this form.

2. Finish The Form

Complete Form C-3 using precise and thorough information. You will probably have to include facts about any other companies you were working for at the time of the accident, your employer’s contact information, and details on your medical care.

This form also covers your average gross salary every pay cycle as well as the name and address of the doctor or hospital originally treating you.

3. Send The Form

Send the Workers’ Compensation Board your finished Form C-3. Remember to act within the two (2) year period from the accident date. Ignoring this deadline can prevent you from getting any benefits you’re entitled to.

4. Review

Save a copy of the turned-in form and follow up with the Workers’ Compensation Board to make sure your claim is processed in a timely manner. To track the development of your claim, be sure to stay in touch with your company and the board.

Need help with your workers’ compensation claim? Call 516-342-2200 to speak with Schwartzapfel Lawyers and get the qualified legal counsel you deserve.

Statute Of Limitations For Injuries At A Subway Construction Site

There are many specific statutes of limitations, or legal limits for lawsuit filing, in New York State, so you need to act fast if you want to pursue legal action following a subway construction site injury. The nature of your lawsuit influences these deadlines:

Personal Injury Claims

If you are seeking pay for injuries suffered resulting from someone else’s negligence, you usually have three (3) years from the date of the accident to pursue a case.

Wrongful Death Claims

In the tragic event of a fatal accident, family members usually have two (2) years from the date of death to file a wrongful death claim.

See an attorney right away following your injuries to determine the appropriate statute of limitations and make sure you do not miss any important deadlines. Delaying may compromise your right to seek compensation and hold the liable parties responsible.

Remember: Don’t allow your claim to run out of time. Seek legal counsel immediately to know your rights and options for pursuing justice. Dial 516-342-2200 today.

How To Prevent Construction Site Injuries

Subway construction sites are a hive of activity with heavy machinery, complicated systems, and a continuous personnel flow. Preventing injuries requires a multifaceted strategy that includes rules and standards alongside a culture of awareness and accountability.

Empowering Workers Through Knowledge

The first line of defense is knowledge. Every employee engaged in construction on a subway should receive thorough safety instructions. These instructions should include the particular risks of underground work, such as restricted areas, poor sight, and possible exposure to toxic materials.

Employees must be aware of emergency protocols, proper PPE use, and the need to report even minor safety issues.

Engineering Safety Into The Environment

Ensuring a safe workplace requires thoughtful design and planning. 

Think about the site’s layout: Are the paths free of trash? Are supplies and tools kept in assigned places? Is there enough light in every workspace? Every component — from emergency exits to ventilation systems — helps to prevent mishaps.

Spotting & Minimizing Risks

Hazards can strike without warning, even when you’re prepared. It’s important to always stay alert. Frequent inspections help to find risks, which could include leaks, shaky scaffolding, or unsecured wires.

Employees should be encouraged to voice concerns right away, and management should move quickly to resolve them.

Cooperating To Create A Safe Culture

Safety doesn’t fall on managers or safety officers alone. Everyone working on the site bears some shared accountability. Engineers, managers, and staff members all need open lines of communication.

Frequent safety conferences help to build a society in which everyone values and gives safety the highest priority.

Embracing Technology For Improved Safety

Technology can support safety on subway construction sites. For example, wearable sensors track worker fatigue, alerting managers to possible hazards. Drones can monitor far-off locations for risks. Analysis of real-time data helps spot patterns and project possible mishaps before they occur.

The Need For Emergency Response On Subway Construction Sites

Accidents happen even with the most thorough safety precautions. For every subway construction site, a well-prepared emergency response plan is absolutely vital.

From small injuries to large events like fires, collapses, or hazardous material spills, this strategy should address a broad spectrum of possibilities.

Any emergency response strategy is based mostly on quick communication. Clear procedures must be developed for notifying managers, employees, and emergency services about an accident. 

To this end, every worker should be familiar with the locations of fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and emergency exits. Frequent exercises help ensure everyone understands their part and can respond calmly and efficiently during an emergency.

Another essential element is first aid instruction. On-site, a well-trained first responder can treat injured workers right away, perhaps saving lives. This course should teach CPR, wound treatment, and how to stabilize an injured individual until professional medical aid shows up.

Evacuation procedures should be well-defined and rehearsed. Getting everyone away from the site quickly and safely is absolutely vital in case of a serious disaster. Establishing designated assembly sites and doing headcounts will help to guarantee that nobody is left behind.

Finally, post-incident protocols are also crucial. Investigating the cause of the accident, recording the specifics, and implementing policies to prevent similar events in the future help to avoid them.

Open communication with workers and transparency serve to restore confidence and underline the need for safety. If you or a loved one has been injured in a subway construction site in NYC, please reach out to Schwartzapfel Lawyers right away. Simply dial 516-342-2200 or connect with us online to discuss your options and so much more!

What Is The Role Of A Skilled Construction Accident Attorney?

A seasoned attorney can assist you in meeting important deadlines and acquiring the required paperwork. They’ll also walk you through the procedures of submitting a workers’ compensation claim. Perhaps most importantly, they can fight for your rights and advocate on your behalf to ensure you get the full benefits you’re entitled to.

If your workers’ compensation claim is denied, your skilled attorney can help you contest the decision so you can concentrate on your rehabilitation. Their knowledge can help you to be sure your case is in qualified hands and that you have the best chance of getting any compensation you are owed.

For experienced legal advice you can depend on, call Schwartzapfel Lawyers now at 516-342-2200. Remember: Your timeline to collect benefits is limited, so act now!

Let Schwartzapfel Lawyers Fight For You!

After a construction site injury, time is of the essence and you must act right away. You can protect your rights and health by getting to a safe place, hiring a skilled attorney, seeing a doctor, and notifying your company of the incident.

Schwartzapfel Lawyers is here to fight for you and your rights. It’s our mission to help you get all the money and benefits you’re entitled to. For knowledgeable and experienced legal help, call us today at 516-342-2200.

Don’t wait! One call today can save you miles of headache, heartache, and financial strain down the road. What’s more, no matter your situation, it will be our honor and privilege to fight for you!

DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this page should be considered legal advice. You should seek the appropriate counsel your situation requires. For more information, call 516-342-2200 now!


Schwartzapfel Lawyers, P.C. | Fighting For You

NYC Construction Fatalities Decline, but Injuries Rise in 2023 | Risk & Insurance

Employee Claim (Form C-3) | Workers’ Compensation Board

Workers’ Compensation Understanding the Claims Process | Workers’ Compensation Board

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